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The development of any desired skill eventually boils down to training. Skills are the power to perform any action well. Actions create results. So if you grow your ability to develop your skills, what you’re really doing is growing your ability to get the results that you want. Some things are specific to individual skills, and some things are universal across all skills. On this page I am to develop frameworks that work both across all skills, and also in the framework of meta-skill development.

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Performance Psychology

What mindset do you need in critical situations? What about if you’re just training? What about if you don’t have anything you’re trying to “perform” at? Is it even possible to train your mind? Click here to learn.


Language Learning

If you want to learn a new language, what is the first thing you should do? Where does consistency matter, and where does it not? What things should you avoid? If you’re curious, click here.



Do you want to be an entrepreneur but don’t know where to start? Do you have a lot of ideas but are unsure which is the best? Me too. I don’t have all the answers but click here to see what I’m learning



What are the key principles required to become the best dentist possible? How do you develop your hand skills? How do you develop your business skills? Click here to see more.



Can anyone learn to be musical? What are the fundamental principles that will get you the farthest? Is it possible to learn how to improvise? Click here to explore.



Can you learn the skill of leadership? Is that even a skill, or just a mix of a bunch of different skills? Can you train your leadership intuition? What is the value of becoming a better leader? Click here to see.